Phoenix Mix10 and 25 pre-diluted

Home / Phoenix Mix10 and 25 pre-diluted

Nilfisk FOOD Pre-diluted mix stations mix detergents with water in a buffer tank located outside of the food production facilities.The Mix Stations are available in four standard versions all with 200L buffertanks for maximum 10 or 25 simultaneous users, giving 50 or 120L/min at 7 bar. Available in two versions for Alcaline AF or Acid VF detergents.
Both versions have built in digital display showing pressure as well as easy to read warnings and errors. Start and stop functions are entirely pressure controlled.Dosing pumps incorporated in the units have a very accurate dosing and can handle dosing between 0,2-2% or 1-5%.


Directions for use 110006302i
Product sheet
Recommended spare part
Assembly instructions 110007046
piping guide line
Software change log 110008259 V5.21
Directions for use 110008960 DISCONTINUED NO LONGER IN USE
Service check list



Accessories kit 110003307

Accessory kits


Available models

Model Description Item Number
Mix25 Dosatron 1-5% AF 119000599
Mix25 Dosatron 1-5% VF 119000598
Mix25 Dosatron 0.2-2% AF 119000597
Mix25 Dosatron 0.2-2% VF 119000596
Mix10 Dosatron 1-5%AF 119000623
Mix10 Dosatron 1-5%VF 119000624
Mix10 Dosatron 0.2-2%AF 119000625
Mix10 Dosatron 0.2-2%VF 119000626
engineered-to-run (1)