News serial nos on manuals and machine
Introducing a New 11 digit Serial Number on all manuals and identification plates
To comply with valid CE declaration rules, and to make it easier for our customers to identify which manual is valid for which machine, we have, as of 1st October 2018, introduced a new 11 digit serial number.
The new serial number will be placed on the machines identification plate as well as on the back of all manuals.

The new serial number consists of:Group no: All units/machines with this group no have the same manual (always remains the same)
Manual revision no: This number changes every time a “bigger” change in regards to safety or health are made in the manual.
Production no: This number makes the serial number unique on each unit. It is a consecutive number counting forward for every unit made.
The manual revision no in the new serial number ONLY changes in case changes concerning health and security issues are made in the manuals.
The manual revision number on the back of the manual and on the identification plate of the machine must always be identical. When the two manual revision numbers are identical you can be sure that the right manual follows the right machine.

Should you need any further information do not hesitate to contact Nilfisk FOOD.
NB. For a period of time – until our stock of paper manuals are used up – a physical paper edition of our manuals might occur without the new serial number 101.01.00XXX printed on the back.
In this case you can compare the new serial number from the machine identification plate with the new serial number on our online manuals which all have the new serial number on the back.