
Happy Easter!

Nilfisk FOOD will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday, returning Tuesday, April 19th. We wish all customers and business relations a very happy Easter!

Save water

Water is a critical component for humans and business operations. How to save it?

In this blog you will learn about the water related challenges, and how Food and Beverage, OEM, Food retail , Institutional and Agricultural industries can save water. One of the issues that we face in today’s world is water scarcity. Water is a critical component for humans and business operations, therefore if every individual and…

Congratulations Alexander

March 17th, 2022 Alexander Hauberg Andersen wins Danish Championhip in ”Complaining” dk – “Brok”. “It was really fun but also a bit scarry to stand on the scene in front of so many people. But the most entertaining was to see all the different people complaining” says Alexander. Alexander tried his “Stand ups” skills …and…

CIP system at brewery production facility

Everything you need to know about CIP cleaning and more…

CIP cleaning widely referred to as Clean in place is a method of cleaning residues, bacteria, and other sources of contamination from closed and long pipelines which are difficult to reach manually. This Blog will give you a full guide to all things related to Clean in place cleaning: Clean in place – Where is…

Celebrating Brians 25th working anniversary

“This company and what we have here is special. It is more than just a working place – it feels like a family to me. Says Brian Jensen celebrating today his 25th working anniversary at Nilifsk FOOD. This special day started with a breakfast for all employees, followed by a speech given by Michael Mortensen…

What are the most effective methods for surface cleaning?

A food contact surface must be cleaned and sanitized – that is for sure. What are the most effective cleaning methods for surface cleaning? This Blog will give you a full guide to all things related to Surface cleaning. What does it mean? Where is it used? What cleaning methods are used for surface cleaning?…

A food contact surface must be cleaned and sanitized. What are the most effective cleaning methods for surface cleaning?

The term Surface cleaning is used in the cleaning and food processing industries but is often confusing because it can be named differently in different industries/countries/companies. The various terms are COP, cleaning out of place, clean out of place, open plant cleaning, open works cleaning or simply surface cleaning. This Blog will give you a…

Nilfisk FOOD behind the scenes

Have you already seen our “Year that has gone” overview of 2021, because today, we would like to take you behind the scenes of Nilfisk FOOD, and show you what happened here in the overview below. Happy Holidays and a Happy, Safe and Healthy New Year.

Year that has gone

 Do you remember what has happened at Nilfisk FOOD this year? The Corona pandemic changed some of our plans, but also challenged us to go beyond boundaries. One of the biggest achievements of 2021 regarding product development was the introduction of a new inverter, which is just the first step in introducing a cutting-edge technology…

Time for grattitude and appreciation

During the pandemic we all have learned to adapt to the new restrictions and finding ways to keep our business and family life running.It’s time for gratitude and appreciation at Nilfisk FOOD.All our employees’ extra efforts during the pandemic have been acknowledged by the Nilfisk FOOD management with gift cards to spend quality time with our…

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